
    1. Personal Leadership Vision
    2. Assessment Tools
    3. Learn With Awareness
    4. The Leader Habit: Overview
    5. The Leader Habit: 22 Skills & Microbehaviors
    6. The Ladder of Inference
    7. Fear Response
    8. SCARF
    9. Mindfulness
    10. Regulate Your Anxiety/Stress
    11. Manage Your Energy
    12. Manage Your Schedule
    13. Be a T-Shaped Leader
    14. Flex Your Leadership Style
    15. Executive Presence: 4 A's
    16. Onboard to New Roles Strategically
    1. Persuade: Four Essential Steps
    2. Influence: Seven Principles
    3. To Sell Is Human
    4. Be Politically Savvy
    5. Harness Conflict
    6. Champion Culture
    7. Create Connection
    8. Build Trust
    9. Co-Create a Communication Checklist
    10. Request Effectively
    11. Make Effective Decisions
    12. Balance Inquiry and Advocacy
    1. Predict the Future: Develop a Vision
    2. Set Strategies
    3. Be a Strategic Thinker
    4. Use the SPOT/SWOT Framework
    5. Strategic Influencing
    6. Set Quick Outcomes
    7. Leader as Designer
    8. Build a Strategy
    1. Coach: Use ITM Coaching
    2. Develop Rapport Through Behaviors
    3. Assess
    4. Re-frame
    5. Employ the Progress Principle
    6. Give Feedback
    7. Use Radical Candor
    8. Lead Leaders: Make the Transition
    1. Become a Globalist
    2. Understand National Cultures
    3. Self-assess: The Inclusive Leader Continuum
    4. Develop Inclusive Leader Traits
    1. Shareable One-Pagers